Showing 46 to 60 of 570 results
Reflecting on your practice and its emotional impact with Schwartz rounds
In 2019, we commissioned the University of Surrey to produce a film evidencing the process and benefits of Schwartz rounds.
The Indicative Sanctions Policy - the Public's View
Exploring the public’s view on the principles that under-pin the Indicative Sanctions Policy, specifically focusing on general public views towards it
Our approach to temporary registration
We have worked with the UK Government to create a COVID-19 temporary register, of two parts
Mediation research
This report explores the views of key audiences on the potential use and value of mediation within the HPC's regulatory regime.
Gender and ethnicity pay gap reports 2020
The data for both these reports are from the snapshot date of 5 April in the preceding year (2020).
Gender and ethnicity pay gap reports 2021
The data for both these reports is from the snapshot date of 5 April in the preceding year (2021).
The making of a multi-professional regulator - The HCPC 2001-2015
This report is an account of the making of a multi-professional regulator over its first fifteen years.
Being LGBT+ in healthcare - LGBT+ History Month
To mark LGBT+ History Month 2024, two members of the UK SLT Pride Network tell us about their journeys in healthcare and how they have grappled with the barriers they face.
HCPC response to the DHSC’s consultation on the licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in England
View our response to the DHSC’s consultation on the licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures in England
Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - service user and carer consultation
In July 2006 we decided to review the standards so that we could make sure that they continued to be fit for purpose and that they conformed to the expectations of the public, registrants and other stakeholders.
Service user feedback tools - an evidence review and Delphi consultation for the Health Professions Council
This research aims to examine available evidence regarding the use and impact of service user feedback tools in healthcare, and explore the views of people within the relevant professional bodies.