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Showing 736 to 750 of 819 results


The Chair is responsible for leading the Council, and for ensuring that it successfully discharges its responsibilities

Freedom of information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) gives a general right of access to recorded information held by public authorities

CPD: how to support your employees

As an employer, you will want to support your employee in undertake continuing professional development (CPD)


This section is for applicants who have previously been on the Register and would like to re-join it.

Documents you need to provide

You'll be asked to upload a number of documents as part of your UK application

Digital skills and new technologies

We have emphasised the need to be able to keep up to date with digital skills and new technologies. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions.

Professional bodies for practitioner psychologists

Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.

What is the professional liaison service?

How our bespoke workshops and general sessions can help you get the most out of the HCPC.

How to make a declaration

A closer look at the three instances in which you would provide health and character information to the HCPC, and the different ways of supplying it for each. 

Standards for prescribing

Information for employers and manaegers of HCPC registrants on our standards for prescribing

Short readmission

This short readmission process is for registrants who have come off the Register and are rejoining within one month.
