Showing 541 to 555 of 615 results
The standards of proficiency for clinical scientists
The standards of proficiency that clinical scientists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register.
FAQs and resources
Further information and guidance to help you determine what is and is not in your scope of practice
Section 6 – Declarations
In this section, you’re asked to tick boxes beside a series of statements
Promote high quality professional practice
Aim: Enable our professions to meet our standards so they are able to adapt to changes in health and care practice delivery, preventing harm to service users.
My Story - Avril Platt (AHPs' Day)
Professional practice practitioner and AHP Avril Platt gives us an insight into how a team of AHPs all work together.
May Bank Holiday Weekend (30 April-2 May 2022): Service availability and how to contact us
Our offices will be closed from 5pm on Friday 29 April until 9am on Tuesday 3 May 2022.
HCPC updates standards of proficiency
The HCPC has updated its standards of proficiency for the first time since 2015. The crucial changes have been made following an extensive period of engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, to seek views and develop standards in line with current professional practice.
Updated standards of proficiency - inside the changes
What the key changes are, why they’ve been made and how to find out more
One week until the HCPC updated standards of proficiency come into effect
There's just one week until 1 September 2023, when the updated HCPC standards of proficiency come into effect. We encourage all registrants to ensure they understand the updates and are ready to integrate them as far as they relate to their scope of practice.
Putting your CPD profile together
This page is a quick guide to completing the four main parts of your CPD profile
Restoration of title
Information about rejoining the Register after you have been removed following a fitness to practise case.