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Canlyniadau chwilio am registration

Yn dangos 196 i 210 o 344 canlyniadau

Data policy and terms

HCPC's data policy, including details about the information we hold about registrants, plus the terms and conditions for our website

Health and disability support

Information for current registrants who have a health condition or disability

Be visible, engaged and informed

Aim: We regulate, take and communicate decisions which are informed by a deep understanding of the environment within which our registrants, employers and education providers operate

Standards of continuing professional development

Our expectations around demonstrating continuing learning and development

What we mean by ‘practising your profession’

We have defined ‘practising your profession’ as drawing on your professional skills and knowledge in the course of your work.

Step 3 - Pay your renewal fee

You can spread the cost by paying by direct debit, which we will not collect until you have completed your professional declaration.

Key statistics on education and training for HCPC professions

We have provided key statistics as a summary of the picture of education and training for the professions we regulate, and how that picture is changing.
