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Canlyniadau chwilio am care act 2014

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Can I do that? Thinking through your scope of practice

Our guidance says you should use your “professional judgement” to come to decisions about what is and is not within your scope of practice (the limit of your skills, knowledge and experience). But what does this “professional judgement” look like in practice?

Course information form and professional qualification certificate

The Course Information Form should be sent to your university or training institution for completion and uploaded when you apply

HCPC response to PSA Performance Review

HCPC welcomes recognition of progress on key areas of activity and sets out plan for further improvement

Employer Insights: Advice for Witnesses

Information to help your employees feel prepared before testifying and who to contact with further questions.

Reviewing our approach

Those on the COVID-19 Temporary Register have until 2 October 2023 to complete and submit a declaration form to be able to remain on the COVID-19 Temporary Register until the 31 March 2024.

Policy statement on HCPC’s approach to developing memorandums of understanding

This policy statement sets out our broad approach to developing memorandums of understanding (MoUs) with other organisations.

Cross-profession supervision and multiple supervisors

Case study: Ellie is a registered Operating Department Practitioner (ODP), who recently started a new job at an NHS Trust. As part of her contract of employment, Ellie is expected to administer drugs intravenously.

Applicants with convictions

How to consider applicants with convictions or cautions and make decisions regarding their suitability for registration and ability to provide a professional service for the public. 

My story - Nana-Jane Chipampe

Nana-Jane is a registered biomedical scientist currently in the third year of her PhD researching Bladder Cancer.

Supervision and delegation

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic
