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Canlyniadau chwilio am registration

Yn dangos 31 i 45 o 613 canlyniadau

Registration Appeals Panel Members

Registration Appeals Panel Members consider and determine appeals regarding admittance to the register, renewal and removal from the register

Operating department practitioner renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for operating department practitioners to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Orthoptists and paramedics renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for Orthoptists and paramedics to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Promote your registration

Our guidelines for letting service users know you are a registered professional

What happens if I don't renew

Steps you can take if you haven't renewed your registration in time or want to leave the Register

Registrant snapshot - 1 December 2024

Total number of registrants for the HCPC Register, broken down by profession and application route to registration (1 December 2024).

Registrant snapshot - 7 January 2025

Total number of registrants for the HCPC Register, broken down by profession and application route to registration (7 January 2025).

Applying for HCPC registration?

Registration Manager Sammuel Yemane highlights what you need to do to avoid having your application returned as incomplete

Update on our registration fees

Your concerns, arguments, and views about the impact of HCPC’s proposed fee rise have prompted us to re-think our approach.

Consultation on HCPC registration fees

We are consulting on proposals to increase our registration fees. If adopted, the changes would be effective from 1 October 2019 and existing registrants would pay the new renewal fee when their profession next renews its registration.

Why your registration matters

Our primary purpose is to protect the public, but there are benefits to being a regulated profession
