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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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#myhcpcstandards: Equality, diversity and inclusion

In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' requirement that registrants provide appropriate and non-discriminatory care to all their service users. 

Returning to practice

This document is for health and care professionals who are not registered, and who need to apply for readmission to the Register

Our CPD requirements

Our flexible approach takes into account of the broad range of health and care professionals and is based on outcomes

Naidex 2018

Accredited CPD seminars and live CPD demos at Naidex, Europe’s most far-reaching trade, professional and consumer show dedicated to the care, rehabilitation and lifestyle of people with disabilities

Fitness to Practise concerns relating to sexual misconduct 2023-24

This report provides an assessment of concerns raised with us about the health and care professionals we regulate, which related to sexual misconduct and criminal matters or conduct of a sexual nature.

Fitness to practise annual report 2014

This report provides information about the HCPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants. 
