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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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HCPC response to consultation on medical entitlements for physiotherapists

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on proposed amendments to the list of controlled drugs that physiotherapists can independently prescribe across the United Kingdom

My Story – Nusrat Kauser

To mark South Asian Heritage Month 2021, Nusrat Kauser candidly shares her story and details the reality of what she has experienced in the health and care sector as a South Asian woman.

HCPC response to consultation on medical entitlements for Podiatrists

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on proposed amendments to the list of controlled drugs that podiatrists can independently prescribe across the United Kingdom

CPD report: What is the evidence for assuring the continuing fitness to practise of HCPC registrants, based on its CPD and audit system?

The aim of this study was to answer the question ‘What is the evidence for assuring the continuing fitness to practise of Health and Care Professions Council registrants, based on its Continuing Professional Development and audit system?’

Health and social care professionals return to practice A systematic review

A review that brings together evidence relating to the return to clinical or frontline practice of health and social care professionals following an extended period of absence

My Story - Rachel Karanja

In celebration of Black History Month Rachel shares some inspiring words of what she has learned and experienced as a black health and care professional in the UK.

Fitness to Practise concerns relating to sexual misconduct 2023-24

This report provides an assessment of concerns raised with us about the health and care professionals we regulate, which related to sexual misconduct and criminal matters or conduct of a sexual nature.

Fitness to practise annual report 2014

This report provides information about the HCPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants. 

Failure to provide adequate care

Case study: A paramedic self-referred with an allegation that he carried out inadequate assessments.

Failure to provide adequate care

Case study: A professional body raised a concern that a biomedical scientist had acted beyond her scope of practise.

Fitness to practise annual report 2015

This report provides information about the HCPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants. 
